• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: ItzelHdez
  • hace 9 años

¿Que pasara en el futuro? Usando will, going to y futuro continuo, en un párrafo de 10 lineas aprox.


Respuesta dada por: danilogamer744

I am going to go to Adam's house, but i will come home tonight if i like.... I think that its going to rain so please don't wait me. If i'm late don't worry that will happen because i will stay at a hotel. I am going to go to Houston hotel i will eat there if not i will go to Gus Restaurant because i like that restaurant. They have a lot of nice food from over the world so please don't wait me. I will call you tonight because i will check if you are fine. Today we have a party so please call Mike to come with me. See you.

DylanEIintelectual: *I thin that it's going to rain so please don't wait for me.
danilogamer744: Ohhh si me he olvidado de eso sorry XD
DylanEIintelectual: XD
Respuesta dada por: DylanEIintelectual

I think that in 10 years from now, I am going to be in a my dream job. I also think that I will win a lot of money and I'll be travelling to countries all around the world. I can't wait! I also will be helping poor children in Africa thanks to organizations like the United Nations. I hope I will be teaching the safe us of water in these type of communities as it is very important for them to understand when water can be considered clean and when it can be considered dirty.

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