Hola ayuda necesito un parrafo con 20 verbos no importa el tiempo pero que no se repitan por favor es urgente
Paul: Hey , Joe .Did you remember yesterday ?
Joe: Where we was?
P: We was going to nightclub
J: I forgot that moment
P: Did you remember when my ex girlfriend met us?
J: Yes I remember, She was with her boyfriend and you said me wait
P: I was angry ´cause she changed me for him
J : Do you remember when we drunk-up in other nightclub?
P: Yes in this moment I wanted fighting with him
J: Yesterday , We knew other girls
P: Yeah but I´ll love her forever
J : Relaxed men , There are too girls in this city
P: I give up . That wonman get me hurt
J: Yes men never is too late to start other relation
P: Yes , What is the name of the girl that talked with me yesterday?
J: Her name is Camila
P: For tonight I'll have called her,and I going to Invite her out?
J: Now, You need give to trash all things that you have of your ex
P. I need overcome to my ex and for tonight I will dressed to kill
J: You should call her now
P : Yes Goodbye Joe ........(Calling)......... Hello. do I talk with Camila?
C. Yes you do , are you Paul?
P: Yes ,I knew you yeseterday
C: You are the man that was drinking beer yesterday
P: And you are the woman that was crying
C: What do you need?
P: I want to invite you to eat on a restaurant . Do you want go out with me?
C: OK When will you come for me ?
P: At 6:00 Pm .
C: bye Paul.