• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: elizabethbrito267
  • hace 8 años

What do express with my,your,his,her,its,our,their?


Respuesta dada por: aleisa2705

My = Something that is yours / Algo que es tuyo (My mom, my ball, my car)

Your = Something that is from other person / Algo que es de otra persona (Your mom, your ball, your car)

His = Something that is from a man / Algo que es de un hombre (His mom, his ball, his car)

Her = Something that is from a woman / Algo que es de una mujer (Her mom, her ball, her car)

It's = Something that is from an animal/ object/ place / Algo que es de un animal, objeto o lugar ( It's ball, It's wheel, It's store ( Store from a Shopping Center)

Our = Something that is from us / Algo que es de "nosotros" (Our mom, our ball, our car)

Their = Something that is from them / Algo que es de ellos/ellas (Their mom, their ball, their car)

Espero haberte ayudado ;)

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