• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: jennyhidalgo10
  • hace 8 años

complete las frases con la forma correcta del verbo que se encuentra entre parentesis
ejemplo: last nigth we -walked- (walk)
1 sam _______(stop) the carto take a picture.
2 I_______(study) for the exam for three hours.
3 they ______(be) happy to be home
sally_______(be) disappointed
she_______(miss) the party
4whe I was young we always ______(go) to florida for the summer.
5 dan _________(not/work) last week.
6_________you________(wash) the dishes.
7 I_______(dream) I could fly last nigth.
8 we_______(meel) them at the restaurant.
10 ________you_______(find) your book?


Respuesta dada por: ezavaletarosas

1. stopped

2. studied

3. were

Sally was

she missed

4. went

5. did not work

6. did  you wash the dishes?

7. dreamt

8. met

10. did you find your book?

Respuesta dada por: KarReyes
1. Stopped. 2. Studied. 3. Was, was, missed 4. Used to go 5. Didn't work 6. Did you wash the dishes? 7. Dreamed. 8. Met. 10. Did find.
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