• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: gatalinda03
  • hace 8 años

Why do dolphins follow boats?


Respuesta dada por: fyfyu

Dicen que los delfines se acercan a los veleros para jugar en la ola que se forma en la proa porque esto lo aprendieron nadando en la estela de sus madres. También parece que su inteligencia mueve su curiosidad y su deseo de vernos cerca al pasar.

nicolasjeju: They say that the dolphins approach sailboats to play in the wave that forms in the prow because they learned it by swimming in the wake of their mothers. It also seems that his intelligence moves his curiosity and his desire to see us in passing.
Respuesta dada por: king200304

There is no one explanation why dolphins would want to swim near ships -- dolphins, like humans, have individual motivations and preferences.

It cuould be because:





For more information entra a esta pagina: https://animals.mom.me/dolphins-swim-near-boats-9832.html

Anónimo: They say that the dolphins approach sailboats to play in the wave that forms in the prow because they learned it by swimming in the wake of their mothers. It also seems that his intelligence moves his curiosity and his desire to see us in passing.
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