I. Busca el significado de los siguientes phrasal verbs y completa los siguientes enunciados con ellos. Cuida de escribir el verbos en el tiempo gramatical correcto.
Haz doble click sobre la palabra RESPUESTA y contesta con MAYÚSCULAS.
Phrasal verbs: be through, go on, fill in, take off, stay out, speak up.
1. Could you RESPUESTA this application form, please?
2. I´ll never talk to you again. We RESPUESTA!
3. If you don´t RESPUESTA , we can´t hear you.
4. I´m tired because I RESPUESTA .too late last night.
5. The plane RESPUESTA late because of the bad weather.
Phrasal verbs: go off, put off, see off, take off, turn off.
6. Let´s go to the airport to RESPUESTA them RESPUESTA.
7. The plane doesn´t RESPUESTA till 5 o´clock.
8. He was sleeping soundly when the alarm clock RESPUESTA
9. The meeting has been RESPUESTA till next month.
10. Don´t forget to RESPUESTA all the lights when you leave.
Phrasal verbs: be through, go on, fill in, take off, stay out, speak up.
1. Could you FILL IN this application form, please?
2. I´ll never talk to you again. We GO ON!
3. If you don´t SPEAK UP , we can´t hear you.
4. I´m tired because STAYED OUT too late last night.
5. The plane TAKE OFF late because of the bad weather.
Phrasal verbs: go off, put off, see off, take off, turn off.
6. Let´s go to the airport to SEE OFF S them GO OFF .
7. The plane doesn´t TAKE OFF till 5 o´clock.
8. He was sleeping soundly when the alarm clock SOUNDED OFF
9. The meeting has been PUT OFF till next month.
10. Don´t forget to TURN OFF all the lights when you leave.
Phrasal verbs: be through, go on, fill in, take off, stay out, speak up.
1. Could you FILL IN this application form, please?
2. I´ll never talk to you again. We GO ON!
3. If you don´t SPEAK UP , we can´t hear you.
4. I´m tired because STAYED OUT too late last night.
5. The plane TAKE OFF late because of the bad weather.
Phrasal verbs: go off, put off, see off, take off, turn off.
6. Let´s go to the airport to SEE OFF S them GO OFF .
7. The plane doesn´t TAKE OFF till 5 o´clock.
8. He was sleeping soundly when the alarm clock SOUNDED OFF
9. The meeting has been PUT OFF till next month.
10. Don´t forget to TURN OFF all the lights when you leave.