• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: natalia99mh
  • hace 9 años

Necesito una redaccion en ingles sobre un lugar que tenga la siguiente estructura:
Introduction: i live in... the village/town/village has...
Paragraph 1: Buildings: in the past... there used to be.... now there are...
Paragraph 2: Jobs: people used to work... Now they work...
Paragraph 3: Transport: People used to travel by.... Now they...
Conclusion: The village/town/city is...In my opinion, it's...
Por favor es urgente, gra ias


Respuesta dada por: flordeceibo
Hi. My name is Peter. I live in a small town. The village has many streets and some new buildings. There is a square near my house. There is also a theater next to the church.
Many years ago there were no schools, churches. But there used to be a big tree and a fountain. Now there are ten different schools: the best is my school. It is called Bolivar. Now there are 2 churches: one is small but the other is very big and I like it.
People used to travel on horseback. Now they travel by car or by bus.
My town is now much better. In my opinion it has improved a lot.

pilarrocio21: gracias esta excelente la descrpción
flordeceibo: de nada
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