Jessy is a cowgirl doll from the old west, who was abandoned by her owner when she began to grow ... she has a haughty attitude, sweet feelings, a great optimism and an immensurable love for her friends, she wears a red hat, blue jeans, denim jacket and boots. She is in love with Buzz Ligth Year
Jessy es una muñeca vaquera del viejo oeste, que fue abandonada por su dueña cuando comenzó a crecer... tiene una actitud altiva, dulces sentimientos, un gran optimismo uy un amor icnonmensurable por sus amigos, viste de sombrero color rojo, blue jeans, chaqueta vaquera y botas. Está enamorada de Buzz Ligth Year
Jessy is a cowgirl doll from the old west, who was abandoned by her owner when she began to grow ... she has a haughty attitude, sweet feelings, a great optimism and an immensurable love for her friends, she wears a red hat, blue jeans, denim jacket and boots. She is in love with Buzz Ligth Year
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