• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Saramorenoh
  • hace 8 años

Un párrafo para hablar aprox. un minuto con los modal verbs:
May/may not
might/ might not
Ought to
Have to


Respuesta dada por: missbastet

I love my girlfriend, but she complains a lot about my clothes,she doesnt want to go anywhere with me because I always wear old jeans and a t-shirt . I CAN deal with her taste and style but She CAN'T.

So, I WOULD like to make a deal with her now, because I COULDN'T feel relax if that still go on.

whats your advice?

I think you OUGH TO have a serious talk with your girlfriend and explain how you feel. she MIGHT think too much about appareances. it's ok, but no in excessive!

If she really loves you, she SHOULD listen to you and respect your feelings. nobody SHOULDN'T make you feel bad. You COULD try other outfits to make you feel comfortable.

I think you HAVE TO take care about your appareance If you go to a job interview or special events.

There, You MUST wear formal clothes. You MUST NOT wear old jeans in places or important situations like that.

you MAY feel bad about your situation, but you MAY NOT have it because im giving you my advice. You MIGHT NOT worry!

You SHALL follow my advice.

PD: puse como un caso de una persona x que necesita un consejo sobre su vestimenta. El resto son consejos utilizando los modals . Sientete libre de traducirlo en google traductor, para que veas de que se trata.

PD 2: si es SPEAKING, entonces te sugeriría que lo escuches en google traductor para que escuches la pronunciación adecuada.

suerte. saludos!

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