• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Ellobo2310
  • hace 9 años

Find the past tense forms of the verbs listed below in the puzzle and circle them



Respuesta dada por: aacm92

El past tense es un tiempo verbal, también conocido como pretérito que expresa los verbos en tiempo pasado. Indica acciones que ya sucedieron.

El pretérito de los verbos encerrados es:

Become: became

Begin: began

Break: broke

Bring: brought

Buy: bought

Catch: caught

Choose: chose

Come: came

Cost: costed

Cut: cut

Do: did

Draw: drew

Drink: drank

Drive: drove

Eat: ate

Fall: fell

Feed: fed

Feel: felt

Fight: fought

Find: found

Fly: flew

Forget: forgot

Forgive: forgave

Freeze: froze

Get: got

Give: gave

Go: went

Grow: grew

Hang: hung

Have: had

Hear: heard

Hide: hid

Hit: hit

Hurt: hurt

Know: knew

Lead: led

Leave: left

Lose: lost

Make: made

Mean: meant

Respuesta dada por: brynoman09


en la sopa de letras tenemos que encontrar en pretérito o en normal?

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