• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: edunathalylope
  • hace 8 años

Aquí tienes otras tres situaciones. ESCRIBE UNA PREGUNTA con YET relacionada con cada situación. Guíate por el ejemplo dado y Luego trascribe todo el texto junto con la respuesta correcta en el cuadro de abajo. Recuerda que los menus no guardan la respuesta. Example: It was raining ten minutes ago. Maybe it has stopped now. YOU ASK: Has it stopped raining yet? 1. You are waiting for Ann to arrive. Perhaps she is here now. YOU ASK: __________________________________ ? 2. You are waiting for me to finish reading the newspaper. Maybe I have finished. YOU ASK: __________________________________ ? 3. Tom can't decide where to go on vacation. Perhaps he has decided now. YOU ASK: __________________________________ ?


Respuesta dada por: LaPatatah

1)Has Ann arrived yet?

2)Has you finished reading the newspaper yet?

3) Has Tom decided where to go on vacation yet?

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