• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: sergiopulido710
  • hace 8 años

una anécdota donde se utilice pasado progresivo


Respuesta dada por: emilucha22p7t3wn
Last night, I was eating steak for dinner. While I was drinking my soda, the telephone rang. While I was answering the telephone, my steak was getting cold. An hour later, I was STILL talking on the phone! Since my food was becoming inedible, I decided to give it to the dog. The dog was waiting when I got off the phone. While my dog sat patiently, I filled his bowl. However, the dog wasn't eating it, and I wasn't eating it either. I was wondering what to do with the food, when suddenly my little brother came walking into the room. I was telling him about the cold steak, and he was saying that he was hungry. So I gave him the cold steak! While he was eating it, he said it was delicious!
Respuesta dada por: armytaetaevm
Once I was riding a bike with my friends when I started thinking about what I would give my friend since it was her birthday so I almost hit a car, then we were all in the pool eating pizza and taking a queue and I more calm since that scared me a lot
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