• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: LAreinafina
  • hace 8 años


1) how was your journey?
a) it was delicious
b) not bad
c) a little late

2) i can't find my glasses!
a) i am sorry
b) you're right
c) see you later

3) last time i saw that movie it made me sick
a) be careful!
b) don't mention it!
c) really?

4) what else shall we buy?
a) i don't know
b) two, please
c) i have some money

5) on my next birthday i'm going to tampa
a) how is it going?
b) where's that?
c) what is it?

nesecito ayuda porfaaaaaaa

POLARReal: Polar no entiende dame mas detalles


Respuesta dada por: giulianageanell
1: b
2: a
3: c
4: a
5: b
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