• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Xkam
  • hace 9 años

Poner en una olla la cantidad de agua suficiente para cubrir las papas, echa un poco de sal.
Luego de hervir las papas, retíralas y pélalas.
Mientras se enfrían las papas, prepara la crema. Ponemos en una licuadora las galletas, el queso, los ajíes, la leche, un poco de sal y licúa.
Para servir, decora un plato con una base de lechuga, a continuación una papa cortada en rodajas, cúbrelas con la crema y decora con el huevo, y la aceituna negra


Respuesta dada por: lucas04lazo

Preparation Put enough water in a pot to cover the potatoes, add a little salt. After boiling the potatoes, remove them and peel them. While the potatoes cool, prepare the cream. Put in a blender the cookies, the cheese, the peppers, the milk, a little salt and liquefy. To serve, decorate a dish with a base of lettuce, then a potato cut into slices, cover them with the cream and decorate with the egg, and the black olive THIS IN ENGLISH
Respuesta dada por: josephgabriel7pawl3s
Preparation Put enough water in a pot to cover the potatoes, add a little salt. After boiling the potatoes, remove them and peel them. While the potatoes cool, prepare the cream. Put in a blender the cookies, the cheese, the peppers, the milk, a little salt and liquefy. To serve, decorate a dish with a base of lettuce, then a potato cut into slices, cover them with the cream and decorate with the egg, and the black olive
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