• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: joooel337
  • hace 8 años

el que lo conteste le doy 50 puntos
Actividad 14-homework: can-subjet pronouns

Este ejercicio tiene como finalidad encaminarlo y motivarlo en el desarrollo de los temas vistos en el material de apoyo. Te invito a participar de esta actividad, recuerda revisar el material de apoyo.
Fill in the gaps with the correct subject pronoun
1. The tulips are in the country. ………… are pink.
2. My friends and I are in the pool. …………… are training.
3. Where is the cat? …………… is on the armchair.
4. Paula and Tom aren’t playing cards. …………… are playing chess.
5. Are your parents in the kitchen? No, ……………… aren’t. …………… are in the garden.
6. Where are Mr & Mrs Brown? ………… are in the park.
7. This is Mary. ……… is my best friend.
8. What colour is the bird? …………… is blue.
9. Where ‘s Sally? ………… is in bed.
10. Mrs Hen and the chicks are at the farm. ……… is reading and …… are listening.
11. The books are on the table. …………… are Mary’s books.
12. …… am in the park with my friends. ………… are having a birthday party.
13. These are students. ………… are in class now.
14. Where’s the cow? …………… is in the fields.
15. There are some colour pencils. ………… are in the box.
16. Mr White is our school bus driver. ………… is very nice.
17. This is our school. ……… is very big.
18. Are you at the library? Yes, ……… am.
19. What colour is the telephone? ……… is green.
20. I’m with my parents and sister. ……… are very happy!
Complete the following questions using CAN – CAN’T
1. Mr.Truffy ___ see anything because he is blind.
2. It's interesting that bees ___ make honey.
3. Oliver ___ play basketball very well. He is in the school team.
4. Troy ___ get good marks at school because he never studies.
5. Turtles ___ run fast because they have to carry their heavy shells.
6. Mr.Smili ___ walk or run because he has problems with his legs.
7. Mr.Steep ___ climb high mountains. He is a successful mountaineer.
8. A dog ___ swim very well in a sea, lake or river.
9. Mr.Richie ___ buy a big house and a ferrari because he is very rich.
10. The ganster ___ go away.The police is holding him.
11. A clown ___ do a lot of tricks and make children laugh.
12. Elephants ___ fly because they don't have any wings.
13. Edward ___ go to work today because he has a fever.
14. I'm happy because it's windy and I ___ fly my kite.
15. Alexander ___ ride a bicycle well. He always has accidents.
16. There is a lot of snow.I ___ make a big snowman.
17. Gabriel ___ drive very fast because he has got a sports car.
18. Richard ___ do his homework without his father's help.
19. Mr.Judge ___ drink the sour cherry juice because it's tasteless.
20. Benjamin and I ___ enter the museum.We have got the tickets.



Respuesta dada por: juanandresjimen
1 you
2 we
3 it
4 we
5 you
6 they
7 we
8 she
9 she
10 it 
11 you 
12 he
13 she
14 she
15 I
16 we
17 we
18 it
19 it
20 we

1 can
2 can´t
3 can
4 can´t
5 can´t
6 can´t
7 can
8 can 
9 can
10 can
11 can 
12 can´t
13 can
14 can
15 can
16 can
17 can
18 can
19 can
20 can´t
listo amigo creo que ya esta bueno bye
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