• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: alashramsara8269
  • hace 8 años

Necesito una reflexión sobre el cuidado del planeta tierra en inglés


Respuesta dada por: lilliammariaj
April, 22 is Earth Day.
This day meant a point of reference from which various organisms and goverments of important countries began to address environmental issues and create certain regulations. The greastest impact  was on people, a significant number of them began to have environmental awareness, acting and promoting responsible habits whit nature.
If you are not responsible whith the environment, this is a good day to start thinking more about or beautiful planet. You can start to take care of water, reduce the use of various resources and products, reuse other items recycle garbaje. You could also adopt at three, plant it and take care of it. There are many possibilities to be responsible whit the environment, it is only a matter of your desicion.
Respuesta dada por: NickZinny


October 7, 2014 — We are all connected. Farmer or finance minister, president or plumber, we share the same home — this single, living planet. It’s the only home we have. And from my perspective it’s in dire need of attention.

My perspective comes in part from the latest edition of the Living Planet Report — WWF’s 10th “state of the planet” account of how things are progressing on the “pale blue dot” — as Carl Sagan famously called our planet back in 1994. As editor of the Living Planet Report, I spend a lot of time trying to bring people around to my perspective — a One Planet Perspective — starting a lot of conversations by just sharing the data that shows humanity is leaving too big of a footprint on our planet.

We have a lot of powerful evidence that points to a need for change. But even if I put all that aside, it comes down to a simple question: What’s the alternative to a One Planet Perspective? Do any of us have a spare Earth stashed away somewhere? I don’t think so. So, it’s probably best that we change the way we act on this one.

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