• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: irinaciobanu9738
  • hace 9 años

Hola necesito 50 oraciones afirmativas , negativas, e interrogativas de siguiente contenido: (there is there are futuro simple presente perfecto pasado simple pasado perfecto pasado progresivo ..


Respuesta dada por: aynusky
1. There is a car on the road.
2. There is an ipad in my bag.
3. There is a fire escape in the bulding.
4. There is a lamp in my bedroom.
5. There is a ploce station next to the supermarket.
6. There are apples in the box.
7. There are five flags at the top of the hotel.
8. There are two students absent today.
9. There are two large windows in my office.
10. There are no Italians in my class.
11. She will read the newspaper tomorrow.
12. We will come to school by bus.
13. You will work very hard.
14. We will play in the park next week.
15. The store will be open until seven o'clock.
16. Have you ever written a blog?
17. We have just landed but we haven't got off the plane yet.
18. I have known Miriam since I was a child.
19. Your mother has phoned three times this morning!
20. Tim and Lucy haven't seen our new house.
21. We arrived at the airport and checked in.
22. They ran to the police station in the airport to apply for an emergency passport.
23. Did you see the new building in the centre?
24. We were best friends during the school.
25. Paul didn't study for the exam.
26. When we arrived at the airport, we suddenly realized that we had left one of the suitcases in the taxi.
27. She went to the police to report that someone had stolen her bag.
28. I almost didn't recognize Tony at the party. He had changed a lot since I last saw him.
29. Jess had a bandage on her arm because she had fallen off her bike that morning.
30. We had loved each other of twenty years.
31. Yesterday evening we were watching the game so we couldn't come.
32. Were you sleeping all night long?
33. I wasn't resting, I was working!
34. Last night at nine o'clock John was washing the dishes.
35. This morning at five o'clock Shannon was taking care of her baby.
36. The decorators will have finsihed painting by Tuesday, so we can move back into the flat then.
37. Laura won't have arrived before dinner so I'll leave some food in the overn for her.
38. When will they have learnt enough English to be able to communicate fluently?
39. The football club say that they'll have built the new stadium in six months.
40. I usually save 200€ a month. By the end of the year, I will have saved 2,400€.
41. We are moving to Packard Street this week.
42. Usually I work in an office, but this month I am travelling from to place.
43. Jule is studying so hard because she has a lot of exams these days.
44. Patrick is leaving us, and somebody else will replace him.
45. She is having a lot of trouble with her divroce.
46. Don't phone between 7.00 and 8.00 as we'll be having dinner then.
47. Good luck with your test tomorrow. I'll be thinking of you.
48. Come at 7.00 because we won't be starting dinner until 8.00
49. Will you be waiting for me when I get off the train?
50. I'll be going to the supermarket leter. Do you want anything?

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