• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: estefavar8495
  • hace 9 años

20 preguntas in passive voice !


Respuesta dada por: alejapipo
1. What is visited by the children every month ? The museum
2. Is the museum visited by the children every month? 
3. Who is the museum visited by every month?
4. When in the museum visited by the children?
5. was he english lesson studied by us at home yesterday? 
6. What was studied by us at home yesterday?
7. Who was the english lesson studied by at home yesterday?
8. Where was the english lesson studied by us ? 
9. When was the english lesson studied by us at home?
10. Will a letter be written by him in the office every day?
11. What will be written by him in the office every day ?
12. Who will a letter be written by in the office every day? 
13. Where will a letter be written by him every day?
14. When will a letter be written by him in the office?
Respuesta dada por: gabserlab

A continuación, se escriben preguntas en voz pasiva (passive voice) en el tiempo verbal presente simple:

  1. Are US dollars accepted at Madrid airport?
  2. Is English spoken in your family?
  3. Is coffee served here?
  4. Is whisky made in Scotland?
  5. Is the post delivered every day?
  6. What is this pie made of?
  7. When is the dog fed by Mike?
  8. Is your breakfast always prepared by your mother?
  9. Are safety-pins sold in your store?
  10. Is the mail delivered by Maria every day?

Preguntas en pasado simple

  1. Was the book taken?
  2. Was the letter written by Jim?
  3. Was his house destroyed by the fire?
  4. When was the church built?
  5. Was the building destroyed by earthquake?
  6. Was the thief captured by the police?
  7. Was the concert enjoyed by the audience?
  8. What was imported by your country?
  9. When were these items usually brought here?
  10. What were these shoes made of?

¿Cuándo se usa la voz pasiva (passive voice)?

Se utiliza la voz pasiva cuando se quiere dar más importancia al objeto, es decir, a quien recibe la acción que ha realizado el sujeto. Las oraciones se formulan con la siguiente estructura:


Objeto directo + verbo to be en el mismo tiempo verbal que tenía el verbo principal en la voz activa (is / are, was / were) + verbo en participio pasado.


Verbo to be + sujeto + verbo en participio pasado + complemento?

Para ver más preguntas en voz pasiva (passive voice) consulta aquí: https://brainly.lat/tarea/4486759

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