• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: abrilalavez
  • hace 9 años

por favor alguien me puede decir una historia de terror de muertos mexicana de 4 renglones en ingles


Respuesta dada por: jano022002
Espero que te sirva:
               The Abandoned house
In a town of Valencia which these events occurred news came to the paper. To me what he told me someone from the same village . Five boys met at an old abandoned house and lonely in the middle of orchard land in order to make spiritualism. They prepared everything began , and at each session that price, one spokesman , did the issue start : " If someone bothers you here , tell us who is and go ." The vessel indicated two names, names the owners looked surprised and said goodbye to the other three. They would return to the village on foot. Now would be later. They left the other three with his seance and chatted along the way. When they had trodden a hundred meters they heard a noise and turned : the crumbling house fell on the three boys who had stayed at the seance .
no borren mi respuesta lo unico que ise es pasarla al ingles :)
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