• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: andreinalr10
  • hace 8 años

Complete use the sent present simple ot present continuos 12. You ----- (speak) too fast. I can't understand what you're saying
13. Listen to them! They ------- ( make ) a terrible noise in there
14. How much ------ ( the shirt / cost)?
15. Leave me alone, please. I ------ (try) to concentrate.
Read and complete. Use the sent simple or present continuous.
Good evening. This is Mary Rose reporting for SBA Channel
Good evening. This is Mary Rose eporting for SBA Channel. I'm at the Music Festival in Paris and l (1.) am having (have) a wonder l time! The French (2.) ---------- (call) this frestival "La Fete de la Musique'. lt (3.)--------- (take) place in June every year and (4.)--------- (last) for a week. The events (5.) -------- (start) early in the morning and (6.)--------- (rot finish) until late at night. People (7.)-------- (sing) and (8.)------- (dance) in the streets round the clock all day long.
Some very famous artists (9.)--------- (take) part in the festival this year. At the moment, we (10.)------ (stand) near the Effel Tower. We ( 11.)-------- (listen) to 'Lets Notes Heureuses", a popular French pop group. As you can see, people of all ages (12.)------ (enjoy) themselves here!


Respuesta dada por: dalirivera1984
12. speak
13. are making
14. does the t shirt cost
15 am trying
2. call
3. takes
4. lasts
5. start
6.do not
7. sing
8. dance
9. are taking
10. are standing
11. are listening
12. are enjoying 
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