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Respuesta dada por:
hola mi nombre es tita ase un año cumpli 15 años mis papas me prometieron que el año siguiente nos ibamos de viaje a donde yo quisiera ir asi mientras pasaban los dias me iba decidiendo poco a pocoas ta que llefo el frabulloso dia y decidi que nos hiriamos a orlando nos fuimos la pasamos muy bien yo y mi familia nos quedamos en un hotel de lujo era muy hermoso pero duro muy poco el viaje solo nos fuimos por tres dias pero aun haci lo disfrute muchisimo haora nos bamos con papa por asuntos de trabajo tijuana por un mes ya hemos legados y como siempre nos ospedamos en un hotel por cierto hera muy grande y porsupuesto muy hermoso saliamos de paseo muy a menudo e ibamos conosiendo mejor tijuana ibamos a playas picinas etc todo era demasiado hermoso hasta que lastimosamente se acabo el mes y tuvimos que volver aunque fue todo muy hermoso abria querido quedarme mas tiempo pero teniamos que volver ademas no odia dejar la escuela solo tenia permiso por un mes y regresamos y segimos la misma rutina
hello my name is tita ase one year I was 15 years old my parents promised me that the following year we were going to travel to where I would like to go so while the days went by I was deciding little by little what the frightful day came and decided that we would hurt ourselves to Orlando we had a great time myself and my family stayed in a luxury hotel was very beautiful but very little hard the trip we only went for three days but still had a lot of enjoyment Haora we had with dad for work issues Tijuana for a month we have already legacies and as always we ospedamos in a hotel by the way very large and of course very beautiful we went out for a walk very often and we were going to know better tijuana beaches picinas etc everything was too beautiful until unfortunately the month is over and we had to go back, although it was very beautiful, I wanted to stay longer but we had to go back. Also, I did not hate to leave school. I only had permission for one month and we went back and we said the same routine
ay esta en ingles y en español ojala te sirva
hello my name is tita ase one year I was 15 years old my parents promised me that the following year we were going to travel to where I would like to go so while the days went by I was deciding little by little what the frightful day came and decided that we would hurt ourselves to Orlando we had a great time myself and my family stayed in a luxury hotel was very beautiful but very little hard the trip we only went for three days but still had a lot of enjoyment Haora we had with dad for work issues Tijuana for a month we have already legacies and as always we ospedamos in a hotel by the way very large and of course very beautiful we went out for a walk very often and we were going to know better tijuana beaches picinas etc everything was too beautiful until unfortunately the month is over and we had to go back, although it was very beautiful, I wanted to stay longer but we had to go back. Also, I did not hate to leave school. I only had permission for one month and we went back and we said the same routine
ay esta en ingles y en español ojala te sirva
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