• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: KikinDíazCasas
  • hace 9 años

Me pueden ayudar con 5 oraciones en singular y 5 en plural con pasado continuo con 8 palabras cada una. Por favor es para mañana y es muy urgente por favor


Respuesta dada por: Andreww321

The girl went to her house.
The boy had one dog.
The child ate the cookie.
The man had cute hair.
The woman had brown hair.


The girls went to the mall.
The boys were very happy.
The men were very tall.
The women were very pretty.
The children like to play games.

pasado continuo

When I was taking a shower, the telephone rang.
The boy fell as I was tying my shoes.
The woman laughed as she walked into the store.
The man fell as he tripped over his shoes.
The child talked as he ate his food.
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