• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: danielmerkdoov7d4d
  • hace 8 años

1) escribe 3 jugadas ofencibas del ajedrez y como se realizan.
2) escribe 3 jugadas defensivas del ajedrez y como se realizan.


Respuesta dada por: Mari1130
Well I used to play Chess, so I think this may help you:

The nailed: It occurs when a piece immobilizes one or several enemy pieces because behind them is the king, a piece or an important objective.

The double attack: It consists of attacking two or more pieces of the adversary - at the same time - with a piece of its own. Its best exponent is a "gentleman who carries a scepter in the shape of a fork".

The check to the discovered: A piece moves and discovers another one that gives check to the opposite king. In addition, there is also double check discovered.
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