• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: ismagarciaesp8hfh5
  • hace 8 años

Me pueden dar el resumen del libro Hatchet capitulo 10-12 resumen en ingles


Respuesta dada por: Gina003
Chapter 10:
At first, Brian is reluctant to leave the fire, worried that it will go out. He sits by it for a good part of the day, feeding it more wood and just basking in the joy of having it.Finally, in the afternoon, he goes out of the shelter to search for enough wood to keep the fire burning through the night. As it turns out, when he's near the fire, the mosquitoes leave him alone. That's good to know. He also realizes that he can use the smoke from the fire to make a signal if he ever sees a plane pass overhead. That's really good to know.As it gets dark, Brian settles in for the night and eats the rest of his raspberries. His leg still aches from the porcupine quills, but it's gotten a little less stiff. Tomorrow he plans to look for more food and to build a signal fire. Brian wakes up during the night and finds that the fire has almost gone out. He stirs it up with a stick and adds some more wood to get it going again. He hears a sound outside the shelter, but the fire makes him feel relatively safe, so he goes back to sleep.When he wakes up in the morning, he finds tracks in the sand in front of the shelter, leading up from the lake and then back down. There's a pile of sand near the shelter where the tracks stop. Trying to figure out what kind of animal it was, and what it had been doing, Brian digs down into the sand pile and finds a cache of eggs. It must have been a turtle, he decides, coming up onto the land to lay its eggs. Cute!When he sees the eggs, Brian realizes how hungry he is. There are seventeen of them, but he's not sure how to go about eating them. He has nothing to cook them in, and the idea of eating them raw grosses him out. You're not the only one, buddy. But they are food. He cuts one open with the hatchet (the outsides are tough and leathery) and forces himself to suck out the insides. They're greasy, and Brian doesn't like the way they taste, but he's so hungry that he eats six of them before he stops and decides to save some for later. Somehow eating the eggs makes him even more aware of his hunger. He licks the insides of the shells clean, and even tries to eat the shells themselves, but they're too tough and he can't get them down. This is the stuff Joe Rogan is made of.He decides to store the remaining eggs in the shelter, and eat only one a day to make them last. Brian realizes that in making this plan he's forgotten to think about when he'll be rescued. He reminds himself that he can't forget that. After all, that's what gives him hope, and he has to hold on to his hope.
Chapter 11:
Brian transfers the eggs into the shelter, burying them there. Then he adds wood to the fire. He wants to keep busy, so that he can't think about the fact that he hasn't been rescued yet. He spends the morning gathering more wood and chopping it into small sticks.Checking his leg (which is feeling back to normal but still has holes in it from the porcupine quills), Brian notices that his body is changing—no, he's not transforming into a werewolf. Or a vampire. Sorry—it's not that kind of book. But he is becoming tan and lean and his skin is tougher than it had been before. His mind, he thinks, is also different. Since he's been in the woods, he's changed—he sees and hears things differently, more completely, not just noticing things the way he used to do. His body and mind work together now, too, in a different way. Deciding to get a signal fire ready, Brian finds a large flat stone area on the ridge over his shelter. This would be a perfect place for the fire, so he stocks the area with wood so he can start a fire quickly if he ever hears a plane engine overhead. After he gathers the wood, he sits on the ledge to rest and looks out over the lake. The lake and the woods surrounding it are beautiful and full of life. Pretty peaceful.He watches a bird dip into the water and come up with a fish in its beak, and this gives him the idea of trying to catch fish for himself.Brian goes down to the water and looks into the lake. He sees lots of fish, as well as a crayfish crawling through the shallows. He tries to grab a fish with his hands, but the sly little suckers are just too quick. He thinks about making a spear, but it's getting late, and for now, he decides to look for some raspberries and eat his one turtle egg for dinner. He'll just put it on his ever-evolving to-do list.

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