• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: yorlicumbe
  • hace 9 años

como se pasa a afirmativo ,negativo y de pregunta
*ellos estuvieron durmiendo en la clase de ingles
*yo estuve leyendo un libro en vacaciones
en ingles


Respuesta dada por: kielsito
en afirmativo:They were sleeping in the english class
en negativo: They weren't sleeping in the english class
en pregunta: Were they sleeping in the english class?
Respuesta dada por: lav4rock
*they were sleeping in english class
*they weren´t sleeping in english class
*they were sleeping in english class?

*i was reading a book on vacations in english
*i wasn´t reading a book on vacations in english
*i was reading a book on vacations in english?
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