1. Always eat a substantial breakfast, including eggs, whole grain bread, milk, oatmeal.
2. Eat at least two fruits and vegetables each day.
3. Sit down to eat; it makes you eat more slowly and probably less food.
4. Always take with you a protein snack that you can eat instead eating high-fat food on the your way
5. At the lunch time eat healthy portion sizes of food; remember a plate of good food is not necessarily the plate of biggest size.
6. Drink a cup of green tea after every meal, because this is a good antioxidant.
7. Water, water and water; drink two or more liters of water a day instead of juice or soft drinks.
8. Choose wholegrain bread and breakfast cereal
9. Try to eat carbohydrates and proteins at the same time
10. Healthy shopping, make a shopping list considering only healthy options for the week
Saludos cordiales
A continuación mencionaré 10 hábitos alimenticios en inglés y español:
My eating habits are the following:
- In the morning I have some kind of cereal with fruit.
- I always drink 8 glasses of water a day.
- At lunch there is always a protein, a carbohydrate plus a vegetable or salad.
- In the afternoon the snack is always a fruit.
- No carbohydrates are eaten at dinner, only salads plus protein.
Mis hábitos alimenticios son los siguientes:
- Por la mañana desayuno algún tipo de cereal con fruta.
- Siempre tomo 8 vasos de agua al día.
- En el almuerzo siempre va una proteína, un carbohidrato más un vegetal o ensalada.
- Por las tardes la merienda siempre es una fruta.
- En la cena no se consumen carbohidratos, solo ensaladas más proteínas.
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