• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: zaritah1
  • hace 9 años

ejemplos en 3ra peesona de read,play,go,do,watch,study,meet,have,brush xfisss gracias


Respuesta dada por: lovatooo
he read a book everyday
she go to the cinema on friday
they watch the tv in the morning
he meet a friend in a Disco
she have a party this wednesday
he need to brush his teeths all nights
Respuesta dada por: valeruano1117
he reads a book
he plays very good volleyball
she goes to the bathroom 
does he go to the gym yesterday?
she watches that movie yesterday
she studies a lot for the exam
he meets her after the school in the restaurant
she has an iPhone X
he bruhses his mouth

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