• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: jhasminnnnn
  • hace 9 años

El Antiguo Perú es la región histórica de América del Sur y un extenso periodo de la historia del Perú, Bolivia y Ecuador principalmente, donde surgieron diversas civilizaciones originarias, que en la arqueología del siglo XX han sido conocidas como civilizaciones andinas o centro andinas.

Las civilizaciones del Antiguo Perú surgieron en la costa no central del Perú hacia el IV milenio a. C. de entre las aldeas de pescadores y agricultores desarrolladas por un largo proceso iniciado a finales de la última Glaciación de Würm o Wisconsin. A partir del siglo II a. C. comprendió el occidente peruano y boliviano, el Norte Chico chileno y el Noroeste argentino, que corresponden con las sub-áreas Central y Centro-Sur del Área Cultural Andina. En el siglo XV, el Tahuantinsuyo abarcaría un territorio mayor hacia el norte.

En esta región se desarrollaron sociedades de gran complejidad política y cultural (como Inca, Moche, Tiahuanaco, Huari o Nazca) entre el tercer milenio antes de Cristo y el año 1532, cuando se desata la Conquista del Perú.

La civilización andina fue una de las civilizaciones prístinas, es decir, que se originaron de forma autónoma a otras (como Mesopotamia en el Viejo Mundo y Mesoamérica en el Nuevo Mundo).

El desarrollo de la civilización andina se dio a través de un largo proceso cuyas etapas responden a secuencias que la arqueología muestra con claridad, tanto en sus espacios de asentamiento cuanto en sus épocas e influencias interregionales, y aunque en algunos casos —como consecuencias de la diversidad ambiental y la utilización de recursos ecológicos distintos— las culturas regionales se muestran con características más o menos diferentes, tienen en común mucho más de lo que se puede observar en la decoración de las vasijas o en las particularidades de la arquitectura; a un nivel antropológico, esas sociedades actuaron frente a su hábitat en la solución de sus necesidades y configuraron un original y unitario proceso de desarrollo social y político. Ese proceso, desde la llegada de los primeros grupos de cazadores-recolectores a finales del Pleistoceno, hasta la conquista española, cubre alrededor de 12,000 años, y atravesó distintos estadios de evolución cultural definidos en términos antropológicos (sociedades igualitaras o segmentarias, sociedades de jefatura, Estados prístinos, Estados expansivos o de conquista, Imperios regionales), para culminar en el Imperio universal que representó para la región el Estado Inca.


Respuesta dada por: princesmanu200p5x3y1
Ancient Peru is the historical region of South America and an extensive period of the history of Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador mainly, where originated various original civilizations, which in the archeology of the twentieth century had been knew as Andean civilizations or Andean center.
The civilizations of Old Peru arose in the non-central coast of Peru towards the IV millennium a. C. between fishing villages and farmers developed by a long process started at the end of the last Würm or Wisconsin Glaciation. From the 2nd century BC C. It comprised the Peruvian and Bolivian West, the Chilean Norte Chico and the Argentine Northwest, which correspond to the Central and South-Central sub-areas of the Andean Cultural Area. In the fifteenth century, the Tahuantinsuyo would encompass a larger territory to the north.
In this region societies of great political and cultural complexity were developed (such as Inca, Moche, Tiahuanaco, Huari or Nazca) between the third millennium before Christ and the year 1532, when the Conquest of Peru was unleashed.
The Andean civilization was one of the pristine civilizations, that is to say, that they originated independently from others (such as Mesopotamia in the Old World and Mesoamerica in the New World).
The development of the Andean civilization took place through a long process whose stages respond to sequences that archeology clearly shows, both in its settlement spaces and in its periods and interregional influences, and although in some cases -as consequences of the environmental diversity and the use of different ecological resources - regional cultures are shown with more or less different characteristics, they have in common much more than what can be observed in the decoration of the vessels or in the particularities of architecture; At an anthropological level, these societies acted in front of their habitat in the solution of their needs and configured an original and unitary process of social and political development. This process, from the arrival of the first groups of hunter-gatherers at the end of the Pleistocene, until the Spanish conquest, covers about 12,000 years, and went through different stages of cultural evolution defined in anthropological terms (egalitarian or segmentary societies, chiefdom societies , Pristine states, expansive or conquering states, regional empires), to culminate in the universal empire that represented the Inca state for the region.
Respuesta dada por: andreelrf

Ancient Peru is the historical region of South America and an extensive period of the history of Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador mainly, where originated various original civilizations, which in the archeology of the twentieth century have been known as Andean civilizations or Andean center.

The civilizations of Old Peru arose in the non-central coast of Peru towards the IV millennium a. C. between fishing villages and farmers developed by a long process started at the end of the last Würm or Wisconsin Glaciation. From the 2nd century BC C. It comprised the Peruvian and Bolivian West, the Chilean Norte Chico and the Argentine Northwest, which correspond to the Central and South-Central sub-areas of the Andean Cultural Area. In the fifteenth century, the Tahuantinsuyo would encompass a larger territory to the north.

In this region societies of great political and cultural complexity were developed (such as Inca, Moche, Tiahuanaco, Huari or Nazca) between the third millennium before Christ and the year 1532, when the Conquest of Peru was unleashed.

The Andean civilization was one of the pristine civilizations, that is to say, that they originated independently from others (such as Mesopotamia in the Old World and Mesoamerica in the New World).

The development of the Andean civilization took place through a long process whose stages respond to sequences that archeology clearly shows, both in its settlement spaces and in its periods and interregional influences, and although in some cases -as consequences of the environmental diversity and the use of different ecological resources - regional cultures are shown with more or less different characteristics, they have in common much more than what can be observed in the decoration of the vessels or in the particularities of architecture; At an anthropological level, these societies acted in front of their habitat in the solution of their needs and configured an original and unitary process of social and political development. This process, from the arrival of the first groups of hunter-gatherers at the end of the Pleistocene, until the Spanish conquest, covers about 12,000 years, and went through different stages of cultural evolution defined in anthropological terms (egalitarian or segmentary societies, chiefdom societies , Pristine states, expansive or conquering states, regional empires), to culminate in the universal empire that represented the Inca state for the region.

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