• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: alicetheprincess45
  • hace 8 años

5 oraciones con verbs of perceptions lo necesito para ahora!!!
ayuda :(
por ejemplo
sound o listening to
see o watch


Respuesta dada por: SosoNelisse
1. I love the smell of your hair, darling
2. The sweet taste of the chocolat cake is the best!
3. I won't ever touch a woman because they're complicated, maybe they'll sue me just by my only being standing around them
4. Have you ever listen Ves from Sin Bandera? Such a masterpiece!
5. Let's watch Gosick together, I'll be Kujo and You'll be Victorique

alicetheprincess45: gracias :u
SosoNelisse: I'm happy to help
alicetheprincess45: ok thanks :D
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