Necesito un dialogo entre 3 personas facil y corto
Daniela: En Toledo encontraremos a la Sra. Rita y todo estará más tranquilo para nosotros, por fin habremos dejado a estos locos atrás y seremos libres.
Javier: ¡Venga! Todos aquí sabemos que mientras estemos aquí no estaremos seguros.
Daniela: Yo no quiero dejar a mi familia, a mis amigos, ¿acaso alguno de ustedes quiere partir?
Javier: ¡No podemos correr riesgos, los tres estamos en esto juntos!
Daniela: ¿Crees que pueden intentar algo contra nuestras familias?
Valentín: ¡Basta ya, Javier! Asustas a Daniela, no deberíamos seguir hablando de esto, tenemos un plan y todo saldrá bien.
Para saber más sobre diálogos y ver la diferencia que presenta con una conversación:

Dialogo #1
Sophie: Hey guys, how’s it going?
Monica: Hi Sophie, pretty good.
Johan: Hello Sophie. How are you doing?, we did not see you at the party last night.
Sophie: Well, I really wanted to go but unfortunately I was out of town.
Monica: Oh! We had a great time. It was a barbecue party at Karen’s house. We enjoyed the pool and also helped to prepare the ribs.
Johan: Yeah, everything was absolutely delicious, wasn’t it?
Monica: Sure, but don’t forget the music. It was awesome. We danced all night long.
Sophie: It’s a real shame I couldn’t go. And… did you, by any chance, see Paul?
Johan: Why are you asking that?
Sophie: Actually, I want to know if he went to the party with Rose.
Monica: Mmm, I am not quite sure if I saw him, but what about going to our house to see the pictures of the party? So that you find it out.
Sophie: Sounds like a good plan! Let’s go.
Dialogo #2
— Maria: He, girls! How’s it going?
— Daniela: Hello, Maria. I’m fine. Today I’m feel really good
— Vanessa: Hello, Maria. How are you doing?, we didn't see you at the school yesterday.
— Maria: well, I really wanted to go but unfortunately I fell asleep.
— Daniela: hahaha. I hate when those things happen
— Vanessa: Well, yesterday we didn’t do many important things in classes, I can pass you the homework in the night.
— Maria: That is a great relief, girls. Do you want to eat ice cream?
— Daniela: That is a great idea, let's go
— Vanessa: Yes I do
yegue demasiado tarde :''v