• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: nadiareyes06
  • hace 8 años

Cuáles son los fallos?? Ayudaaa



Respuesta dada por: MichaelSpymore1
PLUS Find five more errors in the dialogue. Write them in the order
they appear

Indico entre paréntesis donde están los 5 fallos

Stu: Did you go to the Design of the Year exhibition
this year?

Kyle: Yeah: it (is) really interesting. I saw that an award
was given to the web site gov.uk

Stu: A website? That´s an unusual choice.

Kyle: Well, the judges were impressed for it because it
saves users lots of time and money.

Stu: In what way?

Kyle. People´s lives have made easier by the website as it
helps them to do things like (get) their passport renew
or pay their taxes.

Stu: Did any other designs (awarded) prizes?

Kyle: Oh yes, there were prizes for things like architecture,
fashion, design and transport. The one that got the
transport prize was the one I liked best. It was a
wheel that (been) designed so that it can be folded
and used for bikes and wheelchairs.

Stu: ( ) Sounds cool.


1- was
2- getting
3- award
4- has been
5- It

Suerte con vuestras tareas

nadiareyes06: muchas gracias!!
MichaelSpymore1: ¿Cuál de las dos respuestas te parece mejor?
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