• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: IvyWayne
  • hace 9 años

necesito una historia (puede ser de terror) en ingles en mayormente presente simple, por favor


Respuesta dada por: Taisha123
The lady of kisses. Bonciutoma / Getty Images Share Pin "When I was 4 or 5 years old in a bathroom in my house, I saw a lady," the lady with the kisses, "and I told my parents about her, my mother thought it was a story my dad told me and vice versa, until it occurred to them to ask each other what was going on with that story, only to wet themselves with fear when they learned that it was not an invention of any of them ... By the way, when they arrived at that house, my mom got out of control because behind all the There was a catholic postcard or a crucifix on the doors of the house.The "lady of the kisses" had long dark hair and wore a long dress, fortunately I do not remember her but that bathroom always gave me panic and the house in general was very strange, very strange things always happened. " Another user asked Sebastian "why they called her" the lady of the kisses "? To which he replied:" My mom says that when she asked me I said, as if it was obvious, "because she gives kisses ... "
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