• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Gissella5148
  • hace 8 años

Textos basicos y complejos en ingles


Respuesta dada por: Danitza29

Avatar is a 2009 science fiction film directed by James Cameron. The movie takes place on a distant moon called Pandora, which orbits a large, gas planet. Humans move to the moon to extract a natural resource they call “unobtanium”. As humans begin to mine the planet, a native species fights against them. The humans attempt to learn more about the species by building a clone that can connect to the mind of an operator.

The concept is similar to driving a car by remote control. Jake Sully, the person selected to run the avatar, however, becomes sympathetic to the alien beings living there and turns against the humans. The film earned praise from critics and audiences. During its theatrical release, it earned more money at the box office than any other film before it.

Respuesta dada por: salito2020

Family Celebration in Ecuador

Hello this is Jack reporting from the Annual Family Celebration in Quito, Ecuador. People are having a wonderful time. Most men are cooking a traditional dish called Fanesca. Some women are playing hide-and-seek with their children. The elderly are listening to old music and telling stories from the past.

I am here with Mario Velasco, the event organizer, and I want to ask him a couple of questions:

Reporter: Mario, how long is the event?
Mario: Well, it started yesterday at 7 am and it’ll finish tomorrow at 9 pm with a concert.
Reporter: Is this event meaningful for Ecuadorian families?
Mario: Yes, absolutely. Just look at the people. They are laughing, dancing or just relaxing.
Reporter: Thank Mario for your time and for the event.

That is all for now. I am Jack Baker. Bye-bye.

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