• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: pautx
  • hace 8 años

pueden de decirme 10 preguntas de wh por favor


Respuesta dada por: xxsebasjg
1) What is your name?
2) Where are you from?
3 Where is the class room?
4) When is your birthday?
5) Who are you?
6) When is our date honey ;)
7) Hey baby, Why you don't give me your cell number?
8) Teacher, Why is blue the sky?
9) Where are muy shoes?
10) When are the final tests?
Respuesta dada por: Akal287
where are you from?
what do you doing?
when is your birthday?
who is your cousin?
which was the lamp you broke?
whom did you write?
why do you wake up so early?
whose is that car?
why is she crying?
when will you come back?

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