• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Pituufa
  • hace 9 años

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Ben´s day.
When I woke up this morning, I found my dog, Fox, waiting for me. He wanted me to take him for a walk. I was too hungry, so first I had breakfast. I had a glass of milk and a piece of toast. Then I washed my teeth and put on a track-suit and a heavy coat, because it was really cold outside. Fox was already impatient. We both went out, and walked to the park near home. He ran and jumped, and pursued some passers-by. He also destroyed some pieces of furniture somebody left on the road. I sat on a bench all the time, wishing I could be inside my warm bed. When my hands were frozen, I decided it was time to go back home. Fox didn’t want to, but I pulled hard and I managed to take him back. When we arrived at the front door, I realized I didn’t have my keys with me, so we stayed out in the cold for more than an hour! Fox was happy, but I was late for work!

Who was happy to stay outside?
b. What did Ben do in the park?
c. What did Fox do in the park?
d. What did Ben have for breakfast?
e. What was the weather like?
f. What was Ben wearing?
g. When did Ben decide it was time to go home?


Respuesta dada por: irisa1
a. Who was happy to stay outside? Ben's dog / Fox
b. What did Ben do in the park? Ben walked in the park and sat on a bench
c. What did Fox do in the park?
Fox run, jumped, pursued some passers-by and destroyed some pieces of furniture.
 d. What did Ben have for breakfast? He
had a glass of milk and a piece of toast.
 e. What was the weather like? It was very cold
f. What was Ben wearing? He was wearing a
track-suit and a heavy coat.
g. When did Ben decide it was time to go home? He decided it was time to go home when his hands were frozen.

Respuesta dada por: mano6464
Día Ben's . Cuando me desperté esta mañana , me encontré con mi perro , Fox , esperándome. Él me quería llevarlo a dar un paseo . Yo estaba demasiado hambriento , así que primero tuve el desayuno. Tuve un vaso de leche y una tostada . Luego me lavé los dientes y me puse un chándal y un abrigo pesado , porque hacía mucho frío fuera . Fox ya estaba impaciente. Los dos nos fuimos , y caminamos hasta el parque cerca de su casa . Corrió y saltó , y persiguió a algunos transeúntes. También destruyó algunas piezas de mobiliario a alguien que quedan en el camino . Me senté en un banco todo el tiempo , deseando poder estar dentro de mi cama caliente . Cuando se congelaron mis manos , decidí que era hora de volver a casa. Fox no quería , pero me tiró con fuerza y me las arreglé para llevarlo de regreso . Cuando llegamos a la puerta principal , me di cuenta que no tenía las llaves de mi conmigo , así que nos quedamos fuera en el frío por más de una hora! Fox era feliz, pero yo llegaba tarde al trabajo ! ¿Quién era feliz de estar afuera? b . ¿Qué le dijo Ben hacer en el parque? c . ¿Qué hizo Fox puede hacer en el parque? d. ¿Qué le dijo Ben tiene para el desayuno ? e. ¿Cuál era el clima? f . Lo llevaba Ben ? g . ¿Cuándo Ben decidir que era hora de volver a casa ?
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