• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Destani7762
  • hace 8 años

5 preguntas con who, what, where, when y why en ingles y español


Respuesta dada por: Grizx
Who are you?
Who is she?
Who is her boyfriend?
Who is his friend?
Who is their teacher?

What time is it?
What are you doing?
What is the answer?
What do you want?
What is your problem?

Where are you from?
Where are you going?
Where did you leave the keys?
Where is she from?
Where i can find food?

When you're going to do your homework?
When is her birthday?
When is the trip scheduled?
When is his prom?
When is their soccer game?

Why you're not doing your homework?
Why you're asking me to do it?
Why he walked away?
Why life can be difficult?
Why i'm here?

Intenté lo mejor, desde mi cel.
Respuesta dada por: holiwisdeannaho
Te adjunto archivo de imagen.

Esta ahí lo que solicitaste.


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