• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: WendyCordoy4390
  • hace 8 años

Ejemplos de oraciones en ingles con one y ones


Respuesta dada por: EAVP2013
1- Which is your car, the red one or the blue one?2- I need some new glasses. The ones i have at the moment are broken3- I like eating cookies. Especially the chocolate chip ones4- What colour shoes did you buy? A black ones5- My dogs are the one black and the one brown6- I lose my phone. I have to buy one7-Which car should I  to rent? The big one or the small one?8- Which is your friend? The left one or the right one?9- There are five childrens in the park. Wich ones are yours?10- These ones are mine.

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