• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: linitarincon424
  • hace 8 años

Verbos de la siguiente lectura:
Today, Mike and his mom are going to the library. Mike wants to find a book to read. His
mom wants to use a computer there.
When they get to the library, Mike finds a book about detectives. He also finds a book
with chapters about a friendly ghost. Finally, he finds a book about a man who lives in the woods
without food or water. He puts the books on the front desk and waits for his mom.
Mike's mom sits at one of the computers in the library. She checks her email and looks at
pictures of flowers on the internet. Then she reads a news article on a website.
Mike's mom leaves the computer and walks over to Mike, holding up something out for
him. Mike looks at her quizzically. It takes him a moment to recognize what she is holding. “I got
that movie for us to watch tonight," says Mike's mom. “Are you ready to leave?”
"Sure," Mike says, now holding the movie out in front of him. He reads the cover while
walking back to the library entrance. He puts his books and the movie on the front desk to check
out. A librarian stands behind the counter holding an electronic scanner. "How long can we keep
them?" Mike asks her.
"Three weeks," says the librarian.
"Cool," says Mike.
Suddenly, Mike is surprised. His mother is checking out something else that is too big to
put on the desk. It’s a picture of the ocean.
"What is that for?" Mike asks.
"To put on our wall at home," says Mike's mom.
"You can do that?" Mike asks.
Mike's mom smiles at the librarian. "Yes," she says, "but we have to return it in three months".
Necesito que me digan los todos los verbos de la lectura!!


Respuesta dada por: OliverMaflaM
go, want, read,want, use, get, find,live, put, wait, sit, check, look, read, leave, walk, hold, look, take, recognize, hold, get, watch, say, ready, says, hold, read, walk, put, check, stand, hold, keep, ask, say, surprise, check, put, say,do, ask,smile,say, have, return

algunos se repiten y estan en infinitivo y sin contar con el verbo to be ( am, is, are)
Respuesta dada por: javierandgomez10
OliverMaflaM Aspirantego, want, read,want, use, get, find,live, put, wait, sit, check, look, read, leave, walk, hold, look, take, recognize, hold, get, watch, say, ready, says, hold, read, walk, put, check, stand, hold, keep, ask, say, surprise, check, put, say,do, ask,smile,say, have, return,  to be
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