• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: jesuszusarez30
  • hace 8 años

Escribe un párrafo usando todos los pronombre y verbos to be en ingles


Respuesta dada por: jdprietop
he is big
she is pretty tobetobetobe

Respuesta dada por: Adalgisafsb
I am a person with a litter crazy life, I have a brother, He is inteligent but not like my sister, She is more inteligent than him, Sometimes they are arguing and I have to interfere, but we are very loving brothers, I am the least of them and they tell me almost always "You are a meddler, but we love you. We also have a puppy, It is so sweet and lovely. he loves to bark and jump all over the house, we four and my parents, together, we are a crazy family but the best of all.

Espero te sirva, no se si están correctas pero bueno, no soy una americana pero algo es algo, Saludos :)
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