• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: reiiiiiiis7539
  • hace 9 años

Dialogos de una obra de los tres cochinitos en ingles


Respuesta dada por: Mooncaela
No entendí si es la historia completa o solo un diálogo, así que va una foto con una parte y aquí debajo te dejo la historia completa:

NARRATOR: The three little pigs lived with their mother. Their names were Piggy 1, Piggy 2, and Piggy 3. One day their mother said.

MOTHER: Dear sons, you are now all grown up. You need to find your own place to live in.

PIGGY 1: Yes, mother, we are all grown up!.

PIGGY 2: We are going to find our own place to live in.

PIGGY 3: Good-bye mother!.

MOTHER: Good-bye, my sons… but be careful of the wolf. The wolf likes to eat little pigs. He is a bad wolf!.

PIGGY 1, 2, 3: Yes, mother. We will be careful of the bad wolf!

NARRATOR: The three little pigs walked, and walked, and walked. Finally, Piggy 1 saw a pile of straw and said.

PIGGY 1: I am going to build my house here. Good-bye, dear brothers!.

PIGGY 2 AND 3: Good-bye, brother!.

NARRATOR: Piggy 2 and 3 left, and a few hours later Piggy 1 finished building his own straw house.

PIGGY 1: Mmm, my house is not strong, but I don´t care. I like it anyway. Now, I´m going to play.

NARRATOR: Meanwhile Piggy 2 and 3 walked and walked. Finally, Piggy 2 saw a pile of wood, and he said.

PIGGY 2: I am going to build my house here. Good-bye, brother!.

PIGGY 3: Good-bye!.

NARRATOR: Piggy 2 soon finished his house made of wood, and he said.

PIGGY 2: Mmm, my house is not strong, but I don´t care. I like it anyway. Now, I´m going to play.

NARRATOR: Meanwile, Piggy 3 walked and walked. Finally, he saw a pile of bricks, and he said.

PIGGY 3: I am going to build my house here.

NARRATOR: He worked and worked until he finished his brick house, and then he said.

PIGGY 3: I like my house. My house is strong!.

NARRATOR: One day the bad wolf knocked at the door of Piggy 1 house, and he said.

WOLF: Little pig, little pig, let me come in!.

PIGGY 1: I am not going to open the door. Go away, bad wolf!.

WOLF: Then I´ll huff and I´ll puff and I´ll blow your house in!. You will see!.

NARRATOR: The wolf huffed and puffed three times, and he blew the house in. Then Piggy 1 ran and ran to Piggy 2 house. He knocked at the door, and he said.

PIGGY 1: Open the door!. Open the door!. The bad wolf is coming!.

PIGGY 2: Come in quickly!.

PIGGY 1: I am scared!.

NARRATOR: Suddenly the bad wolf knocked at the door, and he said.

WOLF: Little pigs, little pigs, let me come in!.

PIGGY 2: I am not going to open the door!. Go away, bad wolf!.

WOLF: Then I´ll huff and I´ll puff and I´ll blow your house in!. You will see!.

NARRATOR: The wolf huffed and puffed three times, and he blew the house in. Then Piggy 1 and Piggy 2 ran and ran to Piggy 3 house. They knocked at the door, and they said.

PIGGY 1: Open the door!.

PIGGY 2: The bad wolf is coming and we are scared!.

PIGGY 1: Open the door!.

NARRATOR: Piggy 3 opened the door, and Piggy 1 and 2 hid under the bed.

PIGGY 3: Don´t be scared!. My house is strong. The wolf can´t destroy my house.

NARRATOR: Then they heard a knock at the door.

WOLF: Little pig, little pig, let me come in!.

PIGGY 3: I am not going to open the door!. Go away, bad wolf!.

WOLF: Then I´ll huff and I´ll puff and I´ll blow your house in!. You will see!.

NARRATOR: The wolf huffed and puffed but nothing happened. He huffed and puffed again but he couldn´t destroy the house.

PIGGY 3: Ha, ha, ha, ha, the wolf can´t destroy my house!.

WOLF: I´m going up to the roof, up to the roof, up to the roof!. I´m going down the chimney, down the chimney, down the chimney!.

NARRATOR: Meanwhile, the three little pigs placed a pot of boiling water under the chimney, and the wolf screamed.

WOLF: Ahhhhhhhh!. It´s too hot!. It hurts, it hurts!.

NARRATOR: The wolf went out the door, and ran, and ran, and ran away.

WOLF: I don´t want to eat those little pigs!. No, no, no!

Respuesta dada por: AhnEvans

"The three little pigs" is a story for children starring by three brothers who build their own houses, but are chased and harassed by a wolf, they unite to avoid the wolf leaving several very important life lessons for the education of childrens.

Dialogues from the play "The three little pigs"

There is the book "The Three Little Pigs", but there are also plays about the history of the three brothers, this time, the following dialogue belongs to a short play.

"Scene 1

Narrator: Once upon a time, three pigs left their mother's home and went into the world.  The three pigs went different ways. Soon, pig 1 meet a man who was selling straw.

Pig 1: I need some straw, would you sell it to me?

Man: Of course. Take it.

Narrator: Pig 1 paid the man and went to build his house. Later, Pig 2 meet a man who was  selling wood.

Pig 2: Please Sir, I need some wood to build my house. Would you sell it to me?

Man: Yes. Take it.

Narrator: Pig 2 paid the man and went on his way to make his wood house. Later, Pig 3 meet  a man who was selling bricks.

Pig 3: Excuse me Sir, I need some bricks. Are they for sale?

Man: Of course. Take them.

Narrator: Pig 3 paid the man and went on his way to build his brick house. When, the three  pigs finished their houses, they moved in. Pig 1 was taking a nap when someone  knocked at the door. Pig 1 looked through the window and saw a wolf.

Wolf: Little pig, little pig, let me in!

Pig 1: Not by the hair on my chinny-chin-chin.

Wolf: Then I will huff and I will puff and I will blow your house down!!

Narrator: The wolf huffed and puffed and destroyed pig 1's house. Pig 1 ran all the way to  Pig 2's house. When, he got there, Pig 1 told Pig 2 what had happened. Pig 2 invited  Pig 1 to live with him. After a few days, there was a knock at the door. The two  pigs looked out the window, and it was the wolf.

Wolf: Little pigs, little pigs, let me in!

Pig 1 & 2: Not by the hairs on our chinny-chin-chins.

Wolf: Then I will huff, and I will puff, and I will blow your house down.

Narrator: The wolf huffed and puffed and destroyed the house. The pig brothers ran all  the way to Pig 3's house. When they got there, Pig 1 and Pig 2 told Pig 3 everything  that had happened. Then Pig 3 invited his two brothers to live with him. After a  few days, there was a knock at the door. The pigs looked out the window, and they  saw the wolf.

Wolf: Little pigs, little pigs, let me in!

Pigs: Not by the hairs on our chinny-chin-chins.

Wolf: Then I will huff, and I will puff, and I will blow your house down.

Narrator: The wolf huffed and puffed several times, but he couldn't destroy the brick  house. Then the wolf decided to think what to do, so he went and sat on a log.  Meanwhile, the three pigs started cooking dinner. They put a large pot of water  in the fireplace to cook some soup.

Wolf: I know what to do. I will get in through the chimney and I will eat those  pigs.

Narrator: The wolf climbed up to the roof. But he didn't know that there was a pot of  boiling water at the bottom of the chimney. Suddenly, the three pigs heard a noise.

Wolf: I am coming to get you little pigs!

Narrator: The wolf then jumped down the chimney and fell into the pot of boiling water.

Wolf: AH! (Screams)

Narrator: The wolf jumped back up the chimney and ran into the woods. The pigs lived in  peace and never saw the wolf again." The Three Litlle Pigs Play Script.

Si quieres saber más sobre "Los tres cerditos", puedes ver más aquí: https://brainly.lat/tarea/37449398  

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