• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: brayan845
  • hace 8 años

necesito unas oraciones con este verbo regular: dance y otras con este verbo irregular: to eat que sean afirmativas y que estén las dos en preste simple, pasado simple, presente progresivo, y pasado progresivo.
porfa me ayudan


Respuesta dada por: Vad107
Oraciones con el verbo regular: to dance

I dance with Harry every night.
I am dancing in the Paul's house.
She danced with Peter yesterday.
He was dancing in the club at ten o'clock.

I eat bread with cheese every Monday

Oraciones con el verbo irregular: to eat

Mary eat bread with cheese every night.
Harold is eating Hot dog.
They ate in the Cam's house every Saturday.
We were eating fruit salad in the park.
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