• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: alexpanzavrd
  • hace 9 años

150 oraciones en ingles


Respuesta dada por: profesor100

Aquí tienes 150 oraciones en inglés

1)     He did the homework

2)     He was playing soccer

3)     She went to Italy

4)     I played in classes

5)     The birthday was

6)     She played with her cousin

7)     We did not do the job

8)     They participated in an activity

9)     He ate too

10)  She lost the race

11)  the beating his teammate

12)  the wise Italian

13)  He had a new game

14)  he won many awards

15)  She played basketball in Germany

16)  I walk by the seashore

17)  He was in another country

18)  she went to the beach at night

19)  John went to the cinema to see a horror movie

20)  a child outside the bank coins paid

21)  I visit my grandparents on Sunday

22)  My cousin called me to leave

23)  a child crying in the supermarket

24)  He returned to Italy

25)  He flew on a helicopter

26)  we played all afternoon

27)  they did not know English

28)  they sang at the theater

29)  I strike a worker

30)  The bathroom was on the beach

31)  she watched TV all afternoon

32)  He gave her a necklace to a friend

33)  I ran in the Olympic Games

34)  they participated in a South American championship

35)  we play in the square

36)  Yesterday it rained in Talca

37)  they saw the work

38)  He read many books in class

39)  we had to write many sentences

40)  They danced in the square

41)  happened to all the test questions

42)  She sold all her toys

43)  I bought many games

44)  He was in France

45)  He played all night

46)  she had to go to his cousin

47)  We went to where some friends

48)  She cleaned her house

49)  I broke the window

50)  He lost the keys

51)  She lent me a book

52)  I liked the movie last night.

53)  He pronounced the words well.

54)  You noticed Julia's new dress.

55)  You missed me last week.

56)  They arrived this morning.

57)  She used the correct word.

58)  We waited for you after class.

59)  She invited him to her party.

60)  I expected to see her yestErday.

61)  They received a letter this morning.

62)  Yesterday, I had lunch at Mary¨s house

63)  Last year I read awesome books

64)  You left me

65)  You took a part of me when you went away

66)  I bought milk and bread at the grocery

67)  Mary washed her car carefully

68)  Mother prepared the meals

69)  Shops and galleries were closed

70)  My car broke dawn

71)  You were there

72)  I went to University yesterday.

73)  We ate pizza last week.

74)  They went to School last year.

75)  I bought a dress yesterday.

76)  They played a football match last week.

77)  We studied for the test las week.

78)  They drank orange juice yesterday.

79)  She went to the supermarket last week.

80)  They ate empanadas last weekend.

81)  I work with my father in the newspaper

82)  I read the bible every day

83)  I watch the tv in the night

84)  I see my girlfriend every friday

85)  I like the music of Green Day

86)  You sing very well

87)  You play soccer with my brother

88)  You look like my cousin

89)  You run in the park every monday

90)  You write a novel

91)  He jumps obstacles

92)  He cries a lot

93)  He studies for the College

94)  He swims for the Olimpycs

95)  He works for Microsoft

96)  She cooks for her son

97)  She dances for the carnival

98)  She walks a lot in the city

99)  She bites my lips

100) She travels to London and to Miami

101) It flies like a bird

102) It eats like a human

103) It plays with me

104) It lives in the jungle

105) It sings in the morning

106) We travel only in christmas

107) We drink water every day

108) We hate mondays

109) We dance in the disco Stragos

110) We see every day London Olympics

111) You fish on Lake Titicaca

112) You march in every parade

113) You call Tv programs

114) You apply the correct methods

115) You catch the same client

116) They draw good cartoons

117) They jump in tournaments

118) They celebrate together

119) They sing in a rock band

120) They don't know about us

121) Does she read the newspaper every day?

122) Do we come to school by bus?

123) Do you work very hard?

124) Does she like to sit  in the sun?

125) Do we play in the park every day?

126) Does he watch his son in the park?

127) Do we always try to arrive on time?

128) She does not accept my decision

129) My mother never watches TV in her room.

130) Paul never does his homework

131) What do you say about the new law of migration?

132) Doesn’t he play in Barcelona?

133) This bus leaves at night

134) Don’t be jealous about Mark, he is just a friend.

135) People do not like this way to do the things

136) She is the prettiest woman in the world

137) The car is in the garage

138) My family does not go to the church.

139) Does he speak at the meeting?

140) We can’t find the solution to this problem, unfortunately.

141) She works in the NASA

142) I wash my car on saturdays

143) I must go to the work everyday

144) Let me introduce Will and Terry: they are my best friends

145) My cousin paints the houses in his neighborhood

146) Do you like our beaches?

147) We usually play tennis

148)  We meet in Disneyland

149)  We work in Florida together

150)  They love shark soup

Respuesta dada por: fabicalizaya3

Respuesta:1. My mom drives her car everyday.

(Mi mamá conduce su auto todos los días)

2. He laughs too loud.

(Él ríe demasiado fuerte)

3. Nancy takes piano lessons.

(Nancy toma lecciones de piano)


4. We don’t know what happened.

(Nosotros no sabemos qué pasó)

5. I’m proud of you.

(Estoy orgulloso de ti)

6. He needs more time.

(Él necesita más tiempo)

7. Time is over.

(El tiempo se terminó)

8. My best friend calls her grandma every weekend.

(Mi mejor amiga llama a su abuela cada fin de semana)

9. He says there’s no something better.

(Él dice que no hay nada mejor)

10. Factories pollute the planet.

(Las fábricas contaminan el planeta)

11. Babies crawl, then learn to walk

(Los bebés gatean, luego aprenden a caminar)


12. You like chocolate cake.

(A ti te gusta el pastel de chocolate)

13. They type until 60 words per minute.

(Ellos escriben hasta 60 palabras por minuto)

14. Myke and I go out every friday.

(Myke y yo salimos cada viernes)

15. You always choose the better options.

(Tú siempre escoges las mejores opciones)

16. The sun is pretty hot.

(El sol es muy caliente)

17. If you cut yourself, you blood.

(Si te cortas, sangras)

18. Maria pays her bills.

(Maria paga sus facturas)

19. I imagine how it should’ve been.

(Imagino como habría sido)


20. I dream of you every night.

(Sueño contigo cada noche)

21. I say things that I regret later.

(Digo cosas de las que luego me arrepiento)

22. She writes as a professional.

(Ella escribe como una profesional)

23. Now he thinks I’m a bad person.

(Ahora él piensa que soy una mala persona)

24. You always check your social media.

(Tú siempre revisas tus redes sociales)

25. I bite a pencil when I feel anxious.

(Muerdo un lápiz cuando me siento ansiosa)

26. They ride motorcycles.

(Ellos conducen motocicletas)

27. We need to speak.

(Necesitamos hablar)

28. You listen to pop music.

(Ustedes/Vosotros escuchan/escucháis música pop)

29. My grandpa washes his car on Mondays.

(Mi abuelo lava su auto los lunes)

30. She wears expensive clothes.

(Ella viste prendas costosas)

31. My dog digs holes in the garden.

(Mi perro cava agujeros en el jardín)


32. My horse loves eating green apples.

(Mi caballo ama comer manzanas verdes)

33. The airplane takes off in thirty minutes.

(El avión despega en 30 minutos)

34. You always forget what you gotta do.

(Tú siempre olvidas lo que tienes que hacer)

También te podría interesar: 100 oraciones de ejemplo en futuro simple en inglés.

Ejemplos de oraciones negativas en Simple Present

1. My brother doesn’t think it’s fair.

(Mi hermano no piensa que sea justo)

2. She doesn’t water the plants.

(Ella no riega las plantas)

3. We don’t talk about it.

(No hablamos sobre eso)

4. My son doesn’t know how to drive.

(Mi hijo no sabe conducir)

5. We don’t do that.

(Nosotros no hacemos eso)

6. I don’t need you.

(No te necesito)

7. She doesn’t want me to stay.

(Ella no quiere que me quede)

8. Oscar doesn’t fix computers.

(Oscar no repara computadoras)

9. He doesn’t show to anybody how he does it.

(Él no muestra a nadie cómo lo hace)

10. You and I don’t believe in the same things.

(Tú y yo no creemos en las mismas cosas)

11. You don’t imagine what you just did.

(No te imaginas lo que acabas de hacer)

12. She doesn’t look  


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