• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: leolitod
  • hace 8 años

nesesito un dialogo de 2 personas de 10 lineas del presente progresivo


Respuesta dada por: StoneyMaloney
A: Hey, what are you doing?
B: Hey, I'm studying
A: what are you studying for?
B: I have a test tomorrow
A: Oh am I interrumpting you?
B: No, actually I was about to finish
A: Oh okay
B: what are you doing this weekend?
A:I'm dating a guy, so this Saturday we will go out for dinner
B: That's nice to hear but, I just remembered that I have to do my homework, sorry, talk to you later
A: Oh it's okay, talk to you later, bye
B: Bye
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