• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: eduardobando5293
  • hace 8 años

Ejercicios autocorregibles de past simple, past continuous and past perfect .

adriacras: no entendí lo de autocorregibles. ejercicios que estén malos??


Respuesta dada por: julexy25
1. When he  (arrive), the burglars  (leave).
2. By the time we  the tickets (buy), the film  already (start).
3. He eventually  (find) the wallet he  (lose).
4. Jane  (ring) five minutes before Jerry  (get) home.
5. We only  (see) a small part of what we  (plan) to see.
6. She  (think) she  (see) him before.
7. He  (turn) on the TV only after he  (do) his homework.
8. I  (be) very tired because I  (study) the whole night before the exam.
9. She  (let) me know that she  already  (see) the film.
10. I  never  (hear) of this restaurant until you (mention) it.
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