• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: elsaalej
  • hace 9 años

15 oraciones en ingles que contengan verbo, adjetivo, y adverbio


Respuesta dada por: Jefer4532
The red car runs fast on the road. (The articles are The and the; The verb is run)
The boy can sleep (Article = the verb = can)
The cost is very high (Article = the; Verb = is)
The stereo sounds very good (Article = the verb = sounds)
Excess of spicy produces gastritis (Article = the verb = produces)
The bottle has medicine (Article = the; Verb = has)
The cat eats special food (Article = the verb = come)
My neighbor's cat is very messy. (Article = the; Verb = is)
The cat is sad (Article = the; Verb = is)
The black cat is very big. (Article = the; verb is)
The garden has land (Article = the verb = has)
The rider went out to ride today (Article = el; Verbo = Salió)
The young man has Peter pan syndrome (Article = el; Verbo = has)
The lion is sleeping (Article = el; Verbo = is)
The lion jumped on his prey (Article = the verb = jumped)
The doctor told me the whole truth. (Article = el; Verbo = said)
Fear invades my body (Article = the verb = invade)
The boy has to sleep early (Article = the verb = sleep)
The world is overpopulated. (Article = The; Verb = Is)
The child learned to walk today (Article = the; verb = to walk)

Espero k te sirva!!!
Respuesta dada por: bryantbenites
A man [noun] soaring [adjective] rose [verb] from the ground. The dogs [noun] naranja [adjective] are [verb] my favorites. Those [adjective] zapatos [noun] have [verb] discount. Our [adjective] parents [noun] have not yet arrived [verb]. Some [adjective] users [noun] are going to complain [verb]. All my [adjective] friends [noun] studied [verb] with me.
 That [adjective] horse [noun] advances [verb] slowly.
No [adjective] politician [noun] is [verb] honest. María [noun] está [verb] hermosa [adjective].
They arrived [verb] the boys [noun] bad [adjective] to the party.
 We will eat [verb] in a nice [adjective] restaurant [noun].
 Lorenzo [noun] lives [verb] in a miserable hut [adjective].
The wicked [adjective] warriors [noun] invaded [verb] my country.
Some [adjective] flowers [noun] of the garden bloomed [verb] already.
 A crippled [noun] girl [adjective] walks [verb] with difficulty.
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