• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: selena6545
  • hace 8 años

una oracion con we were y 2 con you were plis por fa


Respuesta dada por: emilianodosmilp05lmz
Oración con we were:
We were just trying to help.

Oraciones con you were:
You were not being mature.
You were working on a school project.

Respuesta dada por: monikamartinezosu8pd

Las oraciones serian:

-we were: we were very goog friends. // we were very young.

-you were: you were home yesterday. //  you were in the car today.

Espero que te sirva.


selena6545: tenkiu me has ayudado mucho bb xd
emilianodosmilp05lmz: me borró mis respuestas :[
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