• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: jhondavidabrilozzv05
  • hace 8 años

necesito 4 oraciones en ingles sobre: pasado perfecto, pasado simple, presente perfecto, presente simple. (positivas, negativas, interrogativas) con los siguientes verbos:
read, write, forget, understand. PORFA LOS NESECITO LO MAS RAPIDO POSIBLE.....


Respuesta dada por: Freddybarrios
Pasado perfecto:    Se usa had

· He had read a book

· He hadn't read a book

· Had he read a book ?

· You had written a letter

· You hadn't written a letter

· Had you written a letter ?

· We had forgotten you

· We hadn't forgotten you

· Had we forgotten you ?

· I had understood that

· I hadn't understood that

· Had I understood that ?

Pasado simple:  Se usa did

· They read a book yesterday 

· They didn't read a book yesterday 

· Did they read a book yesterday ?

· It wrote a letter

· It didn't write a letter 

· Did it write a letter ?

· I forgot the keys

· I didn't forget the keys 

· Did I forget the keys ? 

· She understood math

· She didn't understand math

· Did she understand math ?

Presente perfecto:   Usa Have

· I have read a text 

· I have not read a text

· Have I read a text ?

· She has written fast

· She has not written fast 

· Has she written fast ? 

· We have forgotten the homework

· We have not forgotten the homework

· Have we forgotten the homework ?

· You have understood what he said

· You have not understood what he said

· Have you understood what he said ?

Presente simple:  Usa Do and does

·She reads the folder

·She doesn't read the folder

·Does she read the folder ?

· They write very slowly

· They don't write very slowly

· Do they write very slow ?

· You forget me 

· You don't forget me

· Do you forget me ?

· I understand what you want 

· I don't understand what you want

· Do I understand what you want ?

Saludos desde Venezuela, espero te sirvan, si que me llevo tiempo hacerlas pero cumplí :)

jhondavidabrilozzv05: bro eres el mejor
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