• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Cami2399
  • hace 9 años

¿Quienes recibieron con comida a los peregrinos?, ¿que comida les ofrecieron? Y ¿en que año llegaron?


Respuesta dada por: leonellaritter
The peregrins arrived in Plymouth in December 11th, 1620. 

When they arrived they had a really hard winter, the Native American from the Wampanoag tribe help them survive, giving them food and teaching them to fish.

The next fall, the harvest paid off and they got good seeds from it. So they decided that it deserved a big celebration.

They planned a dinner with the native americans a symbol of thanksgiving for the help they received from them before.

The men went hunting to find meat for dinner They hunted turkey.

The dinner included fish, berries, watercress, nuts, corn, clams, deer and plums.  

The thanksgiving celebration did not take place until 1676. It was officially proclaimed for president Abraham Lincoln in 1863 to be celebrated the last thursday of November.

In 1941, Thanksgiving day was proclaimed a holiday by the United States Congress to be celebrated the fourth thursday of every November.

Right now the thanksgiving day is celebrated in many countries like Canada and Brasil.

There is some controverse about its history.
Respuesta dada por: nicolgarruizpek2hv

los indios, con pavo, en 1620

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