• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Anónimo
  • hace 9 años

50 verbos en ingles


Respuesta dada por: keider9631

1. Ask = preguntar

I didn’t ask for permission.

Ask her why she is not coming tonight.


2. Be = ser o estar

Be yourself.

I want to be a doctor one day.


3. Become = llegar a ser, volverse, hacerse

She became angry. (verbo en pasado)


4. Begin = empezar

The beginning of life.


5. Call = llamar

Call me as soon as possible.

They call me little monkey.


6. Can = poder

We can go tomorrow.

Yes we can.


7. Come = venir, llegar

Can I come with you?

I’m coming!


8. Could = Poder

Could you please open the door?


9. Do = hacer

Do your homework before dinner.

Do you know her name?


10. Feel = sentir

Can you feel it?

I feel myself getting sick.


11. Find = encontrar

I cannot find my watch!

who seeks shalll find.


12. Get = obtener, conseguir, lograr, ponerse

I can’t get enough.

Get well soon.


13. Give = dar, entregar

Give it to your brother.

Give me a call.


14. Go = ir

Go fit.

Go where you feel happier.


15. Have = tener

Have a nice day.

I have two sisters.


16. Hear = oir

Do you hear me?


17. Help = ayudar

Help! I need somebody.

Can you help me?


18. Keep = guardar, mantener, seguir

Keep trying.

Keep calm.

Keep me posted.


19. Know = saber, conocer

Do you know her?

They know everything about the solar system.


20. Leave = dejar, abandonar

Leave me alone!

When did you leave Germany?


21. Let = dejar

Let it be.

Let her go to the party.


22. Like = gustar

I like her.

Do you like cheese?


23. Live = vivir

I live in Berlin.

You can't live a positive life with a negative mind.


24. Look = mirar

Look at her, she’s gorgeous.

Look, I don’t know what to say.


25. Make = hacer

Please, make me a sandwich.

Does it make sense to you?


26. May = poder, ser posible

May I help you?

I may go.


27. Mean = significar, suponer, querer decir

What do you mean?

I didn’t mean to hurt you.


28. Might = poder

I might be wrong.

I might sleep all day.


29. Move = mover, avanzar, trasladar

Move on, you’re not together anymore.

We are moving to London.


30. Need = necesitar

I need you.

You need some sleep.


31. Play = jugar, tocar un instrumento, interpretar, desempeñar

Do you play the piano?

Let them play.


32. Put = poner, colocar

Please, put it down.

Put your hand up!


33. Run = correr, dirigir

She runs faster than me.

She run the company.


34. Say = decir

Say it again.

Don’t say anything about this.


35. See = ver

Can you see it?

See, I was right.


36. Seem = parecer

Seems like you were right.

Seems legit.


37. Should = deber, tener

He should be with you.

Should i stay or should i go?


38. Show = mostrar, enseñar

Show me your teeth.

Show me love.


39. Start = empezar

I want to start something.

The start of the roman empire.


40. Take = coger, tomar, llevar, tener

Take it into account.

Take me to the hospital.


41. Talk = hablar

You should talk to doctor.

Talk to me.


42. Tell = contar

Tell me what’s going on.

I couldn’t tell her the truth.


43. Think = pensar

Think about it.

I think you are beautiful.


44. Try = intentar

Try harder.

I try to understand it but I can’t.


45. Turn = girar, convertir, transformar

She turned into a good person.

Turn it up.


46. Use = usar

I’m going to use the red one.

Use it or give it back to me.


47. Want = querer

I want it all.

I want you.


48. Will = expresar futuro

I will be your wife.

We will do it.


49. Work =trabajar

Work hard, play hard.

Seems like I’ve been working on this project for ages.


50. Would = haría (verbo auxiliar)

Would you help me with my homework?

I would rather not to be here.


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