• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: valenperagu
  • hace 8 años

alguien me puede ayudar por favor!! me pueden ayudar a resolverlo o al menos explicarme que debo hacer !!!

2. Read this conversation and then report what Claudia and Nicole said.

Nicole: How long have you been in France?
Claudia: Six months
Nicole: Are you enjoying your stay?
Claudia: Yes, I’m enjoying it a lot.
Nicole: Have you been here before?
Claudia: Yes, I’ve been to France many times.
Nicole: What are you doing here?
Claudia: I’m on holiday
Nicole: Are you stayingin a hotel?
Claudia: No, I’m staying with somefriends.
Nicole: Where do they live?
Claudia: They have a flat in the city centre.
Nicole: How long are you staying?
Claudia: I’m leaving in March
Nicole: Can you speak French very well?
Claudia: No, I cant’t. I’m going to have some lessons.
Nicole: I’ll teach you.

0. Claudia said ___________________________in France for six weeks.

1.Claudia said ___________________________her stay a lot.

2.Claudia said___________________________to France many times.

3.Claudia said___________________________on holiday.

4.She said___________________________with some friends.

5.She said___________________________a flat in the city centre.

6.She said___________________________in March.

7.She said___________________________French very well.

8.She said___________________________some lessons.

9.Nicole said___________________________Claudia

por favor !!! ayudenme !!


Respuesta dada por: alli21
lo que tienes que hacer es pasar lo de arriba a un report speach es decir al principio dice
¿cuanto tiempo has estado en francia? y en report speach seria ella dijo que cuanto tiempo habia estado en francia lo cual en ingles seria
how long have you been in france?
report speach: claudia said that she had been in france for six weaks.
solo tienes que pasarlo en tiempo pasado.

valenperagu: muchas gracias chic@!!
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